Digital Marketing Profile
Joseph Eatenton

Who am I?
I am an 18 year old from Rugby who is very passionate about starting a career in digital marketing, and since starting my GCSE’s at the age of 13 I’ve always had an idea that I would want to digital marketing. Which has guided me down a path, that every step of my education has led me to a career in digital marketing.
Why an apprenticeship in Digital Marketing
I believe digital marketing is one of the best careers out there to be able to show creativity. And with such an ever changing and evolving landscape with something new to do every day, there are always new trends that can be capitalised upon for companies to grow their audience and customer base through many different forms of media. Which through a Digital marketing apprenticeship I hope to be able to utilise to the best of my ability.

Why employ me?
I believe that I have certain qualities which would make me a good team member within any marketing team. I am adaptable, in the sense that I am able to work well amongst many different people and able to find a way to change my style of work to best suit the team to achieve their goals. I am confident and have shown it many times throughout my life from being the lead role in plays to presenting mock pitches at both GCSE and A-level in front of panels, this helps with public speaking and would make me a good asset to any team. I also believe that I am a creative person who finds unique and outside the box solutions to problems which can lead to good results in marketing campaigns. I am organised and reliable, I believe being organised is the best way to be efficient so I take pride in my organisational skills. Working under pressure is a strong skill of mine as both academically and in the sporting world I have had to work under pressure countless times and it has allowed me to work through the pressure and not let it hinder my ability or results.

My Digital Marketing experience
With my current employers I have been fortunate enough to be part of their most recent marketing campaign looking at the ins and outs of how a marketing shoot is run and also learning what the main aim of photos are and what it is meant to portray, while also learning what it takes to make a set look realistic. I have sat in on marketing meetings and plans to gather a better understanding of digital marketing first hand. I’m currently progressing through the Google Digital Garage Digital Marketing course. I have done a week's work experience working in the marketing department where I got first hand experience using Google and Facebook marketing along with analysing the analytics from previous campaigns. I also have experience with all social media platforms. Through secondary school where I re-imagined already existing film marketing campaigns. I’m experienced in photoshop with a novice understanding of film editing along with the fact I used to edit youtube videos for my friends, and then I also have basic knowledge and understanding of website building and Canva.
(Photo from marketing shoot to the left)

My Hobbies and Interests
I have a keen interest in films but specifically the practical and visual effects side of film and will regularly watch videos on in depth analysis or demonstrations on how it is done. I have recently taken a liking to e-commerce selling and the many different ways it can be done. Football has always been a big part of my life as well as I’ve played it from a young age and watched it for an even longer time. Fashion is also a big part of who I am and I like to take pride in the way I dress and my style.